Episode IX's Expanded Univerese Callback

We all know that the Star Wars Episode IX Trailer, called Rise of Skywalker, dropped recently and everyone is hyped. And if you didn't know, here ya go.

Now, while everyone is excited and is poring over it for details, there's only one that I want to talk about, the final laugh, the hint the Emperor will return in this film. Now, while the return of yet another thing from previous films is a groaner, I won't judge till I see the film. I will however point out that the return of Palpatine is nothing new for fans of the Expanded Universe, yes, let's talk about my most hated Star Wars comic of all time, the Dark Empire Trilogy.

The story picks up 6 years after Return of the Jedi and has Luke struggling with trying to start a new Jedi order and the New Republic finally getting the Empire to a more manageable state and dominating it as a military power when blam, Palpatine arrives. So ya know how Anakin bought balance to the force and redeemed himself by killing the Emperor? Doesn't matter, dude had a clone body and can move his spirit. And Luke, in spite of literally goddamn everything, decides to go deep cover and pledge loyalty to the Emperor only fall to darkness for real are you kidding me? Luckily it's not for long but still, did your father's story teach you nothing.

Oh and the Empire now has not one, not two, but four super weapons, in case you thought the Force Awakens was the worst example of beating a concept to death. Oh and two of them are Super Star Destroyers with super lasers strapped to them while another is an overpowered cannon that can shoot anything in the galaxy and blow up planets from one position. While not the worst Superweapon, hello Sun Crusher, it is ridiculous just how many ideas are freaking recycled. Including Boba Fett who escaped the Sarlacc... twice. (Okay, that's the fault of other stories but still)
People give the sequels a hard time for repeating plot threads and claim the old Star Wars was better and I always use Dark Empire as an example of "No, it really wasn't." Because the dumber ideas of the EU were more buried like they deserved to be, like the R5 unit that malfunctioned in IV did it because it could use the force and knew R2 reaching Luke would bring balance and god the Expanded Universe could be so dumb at points and frankly this post is just venting.

If they handle Palpatine's return better than Dark Empire I'll be happy, at least there's no Luke to stupidly fall to darkness and it looks like there won't be any stupid superweapons to blow up, thank god. The sequels makers did reach the end of the "Things We Can Copy From the Original Trilogy" hand book by ripping ideas from V and VI in TLJ, which is a movie I liked honestly.So hopefully we get something a bit new, even if we do revisit some older locales which from the looks of it, we will at least go back to Tatooine. Just please, no more Dark Empire callbacks...


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