DOOM 3's Doomed Attempt at Fear

Ah DOOM 3 , the black sheep of the DOOM franchise, stripping away the speedy, fast, heavy metal action and going for a more slower, cramped and claustrophobic experience; DOOM 3 feels like a sore thumb compared to earlier and even later entries like DOOM 2016 and Eternal . From the outside looking in, DOOM 3 is a divisive game; it's an underrated horror masterpiece to some and a slow plodding mess to others. Some recommend the original PC version and some recommend the 2012 BFG re-release and other still would have you ignore it all together. So after beating 64 I decided to go straight into 3 and finish my own personal DOOM story that began in 2016 to see how it held up. DOOM 3 lays down what it wants to be in the first 10 minutes of the game, a horror themed Half-Life . After the introduction cut-scene you, a nameless space marine, are hurled into a Martian base to get acclimated, meet the people, enjoy some world building; ya know, like in Half-Life . But sure enough you h...