Fire Emblem Three Houses' Unexpected Genealogy

I'm two months late but I beat one of the four routes of Fire Emblem: Three Houses on the Nintendo Switch. Overall I found it a great game with a good story, good characters, decent writing, great gameplay, and not wallowing in the waifu oversexualization/dating simulation that pained Fire Emblem Fates . But one thing I noticed is how much Intelligent Systems borrowed from a long forgotten Fire Emblem, a name that rarely reaches western ears due to its Japanese exclusivity; Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War . Which also leads me to question if we're gonna see the long forgotten 4th game get the Echoes treatment like Gaiden did in 2017. But in order to understand what I mean, we need to look at what is borrowed to understand. Of course, the first and perhaps most important of these ideas is in story. Three Houses follows three heirs, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude; all at an officers academy for training. Of course in actuality you play a side character who I named...