How We Reached the Apex
Apex Legends, it's the game everyone and their grandmother is playing these day's it seems. EA and Respawn Entetainment's newest Battle Royale shooter has come to take the world by storm and take on Fortnite while Tetris 99 sits in the background, waiting. Personally I like Apex, play it once a day; I like the emphasis on teamwork, the colorful cast (I'm a Gibraltar main, how about you?), the solid movement mechanics, and the gunplay. Now I won't go into how Apex tapped into a cultural zeitgeist to go at Fortnite's jugular. But I wanna go over how we got to Apex, what lead to it, and how rich Apex's legacy truly is. Now, many people know that Apex is a semi-sequel/spinoff to Titanfall but what some might not know is the legacy goes even further than two bitchin mecha shooters from 2014 and 2016. Indeed Apex inherited a rich legacy from all the way back in 90's. Around that time, the people who would go onto found Respawn, Jason West and Vince Zamp...